Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Journaling and my changing perceptions- Dharma Training

Shivani Singh[MD1]   in her book “ Discover Your Dharma” explored ten different ways to use journaling to unlock our hidden gifts and bring them up for consideration as life choices. 

When I first read her book about six years ago I was fascinated about the number of journaling techniques that she had identified and how neatly she had packaged them into a system that she promised would effectively redefine your life purpose. Her emphasis was on effective journaling. With her engineering mind she wanted to go beyond what some might term “airy fairly” writing leading to no precise goal to a system that would guarantee fast, efficient success.

A few years later Shivani gave a tens minute TEDX talk that further clarified her notion that her Dharma Express system was a clearly set out system that could be replicated to deliver precise answers to major life questions in a short time. I have used her talk in my classes and am impressed by how quickly she communicates to various audiences that she can deliver her system smoothly and easily.

This year I started her Dharma Training course and I am again going through her journaling system. Like some readers of her book six years ago I admired her clever packaging and sporadically did the journaling exercises. Now I am doing the exercises in a systematic way linked to a definite exploration of certain life questions and choices.

So far I have explored Secret 1- Clearing the Junk. I was overwhelmed at how clarifying it was. In addition hearing how effective it was for others in different life situations and circumstances made me aware that it was replicable to others in diverse settings. Doing Secret 2-Knowing your moment of Truth illustrated that these short exercises can have quick, powerful moments of certainty. Despite our logical mind skepticism that certain questions cannot quickly uncover expert answers our intuition can.

Secrets 3 and 6—Go beyond the Line and Be your own Visionaire allowed me to uncover hidden blockages to moving forward linked to beliefs. In our sessions exploring these ideas it was amazing how many limiting beliefs we all had to peel off. Many of these beliefs we were not aware we held. Some of us had hidden denial systems to shunt us away from identifying and dealing properly with these beliefs and the consequent actions in our lives that flowed from our beliefs. I was humbled and impressed by the ways my fellow trainees shared their journey though working with these journaling secrets.
Supoort this project by fellow Dharma Trainee Smita

For me personally the most powerful journaling secret I have explored is Secret 9- Stay Connected Within. I now realize that the entire process –creating a sacred space, invoking our spiritual guides, letting go and allowing the flow, the vibrational impact of the background music and the commitment to the kinetic energy of writing is life changing.
Website of fellow Trainees Tonya and Calvin

Dharma Coach Training and The Power of Ritual

As I am doing the Dharma Coach training I am struck by the power of the script. In the training we are advised to use a very structured script in a carefully designed manner. As someone brought up to rely largely on the intellect I am tempted to rewire the script. There is an urge to readjust it to suit circumstances on a day to day basis. This is a reaction from the western world of thinking.

Shivani Singh--Dharma
In the Eastern world of thinking there is a greater trust in the power of ritual. Teachers recognize that sticking to a time tested outer format has an intangible, vibrational power. All the world’s major religions recognize this. Their major ceremonies follow a precise script. 

When they change these ritual for cerebral reasons as for example the Roman Catholic Church did in the sixties with the change from the Latin mass to a mass in the vernacular something of the mystery and the power of the ritual was lost.

Our human psyche is heavily tuned to the vibrational power of ceremony. Christenings, waddings and funeral for example follow a structured format.  Political ceremonies like the opening of Parliament he swearing in of a leader, the State of Union address are all done in a very precise way. So when we attend or participate in ceremonies our entire being is attuned to a set of intangible frequencies created by the format of the ceremony.

When I practiced my first Dharma training using the script I fell into the intangible vibrational frequency generated by the questions and their sequences. I was able to brush aside the temptation to vary or interfere with the format. With this mindset of acceptance I was able to easily flow with the experience. At the end I recognized the power of the script and the format. I could see why it was going to be successful. I also accepted that it was based on years of coaching experience.

In 2004 I read a book by Mona Lisa Schultz called “Awakening Intuition”. One idea she posited that applied to me was that analytical people find it difficult to access their intuition. She suggested training oneself to remember to write down dreams and to play around with interpreting them. Dreams tend to be figurative, absurd, nonlinear, full of images and time shifting. I found this advice useful and had a lot of fun working with dreams.

Since I was a literature teacher I found it easy to play with dreams. Images fascinated me and the seeming non sequiturs challenged a creative mind. Soon people were treating me as a “dream expert”. Later I experimented with treating real life experiences as if they were dreams. This allowed me to get more intuitive insights from the experience.

In my opinion Shivani Singh and Radha Singh have locked a powerful vibrational frequency into their Dharma Training format that makes it easy to implement successfully and to replicate efficiently. It is a delightful merging of ancient teaching techniques with modern engineering science.

Milton Drepaul
Dharma Coach Training

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Changing beliefs

Happiness is a Choice
This book was a life changer for me.

I read it very closely at a period in my life when I was depressed. My marriage had broken up. I was separated from two daughters to whom I had grown very close. I was fortunate to have spent a lot of time bringing them up and sharing happy experiences.

My last two daughters were born in Jamaica. First we lived in the hills. We were on campus working at a co-educational boarding school. I was able to be present at their births and to have a hands on day to day contact with them. Later we moved to a beautiful campus at Passley Gardens near Port Antonio. Not only did this campus have two beaches but we were twenty minutes away from the world class San San beach.

I had an ideal teaching schedule. I was finished teaching by 11 am every day. We lived in a spacious four bedroom house on the campus. We had a wonderful young woman working for us. I was able to spend valuable hours with my daughters either at home or at the beaches. We did many thing together.

This ideal world suddenly fell apart soon after we moved to Kingston, the capital city. There was a massive hurricane in September 1988. A month later my then wife took my daughters and went to Canada. I was left alone and soon fell into depression. I did not know it then. I just gave in to despair and loss of hope.

There is another story about how I was guided away from this shattering life experience in Jamaica to the beautiful islands of Turks and Caicos. I will write about that at another time. For this piece it is best to know that I found myself on a beautiful island with dark thoughts and beliefs.

I was fortunate to discover both “Happiness is a Choice’ and a joint reader and loving, non-judgmental listener Radha Singh. Today when I hear others talk of her wonderful skills my mind goes back to those days when she rescued me from despair by implementing the loving, non-judgmental Socratic dialogue that we both learned from “Happiness is a Choice.’

Looking back I had to go beyond many limiting beliefs. The first was that I was a failure because my marriage had failed. There were other beliefs that I was not a good parent that I was not understanding and communicate. Above all was the belief that I was not a good person.

There were two major things I learnt then. First I had choices. I could have different responses to my experiences. Most of all I could choose to be happy. Here I was in an idyllic island and I was choosing to be miserable. I was surrounded by loving people. I had a job that I loved. I had peaceful music around me. I had meditative and spiritual experiences I could choose.

The second was that I had someone who could gently walk me away from my negative beliefs and open up for me the expertise within me that she could see but I could not. Knowing that you are your own best expert was the lesson I was learning. Stepping way from self-pity and the common way of not taking responsibility for your thoughts and the experiences they attract was not easy.

Recently I read that a Shaman commented that periods like depression – your darkest hours, can bring you to higher levels of spiritual experience. The “Happiness is a Choice” experience brought me to new levels. I learnt to love strongly at a distance. I drew happy experiences. I deeply and completely loved myself. I began a journey that has made me more balanced. I am grateful to Barry Neil Kauffmann and Radha Singh for their wise, non-directive guidance.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Will Smith’s Top 9 Inspirational Quotes

Will Smith 2014 Quotes
Maybe you see Will Smith as just some awesome guy with an arsenal of talents. He can rap and act, he’s charismatic and cool.

Will has an undeniable track record of success that anyone would be envious of. What you may not know about The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is that, upon digging deeper, he’s a great source of inspiration filled with deep philosophy.

Here are quotes by Will Smith and interpretations on how you can apply them in life.

9 Will Smith Quotes For Inspiration

Will Smith Life Quote“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.”

That’s how it is for everyone of us. “Throughout life”, meaning life doesn’t stop for any of us.  And along with that, the 7 billion people on this planet are all here to stay, and some of them are bound to make you feel less-than-stellar, one time or another.

So don’t get too affected by them or even allow them to bring you down. Just let it go, and move on with life. Let God, or well if you don’t believe in God, let the universe deal with them on its own.

will smith money quote“We spend money that we do not have, on things we do not need, to impress people who do not care.”

Is money controlling your life? Are you working hard for money to get luxuries and other stuff for a certain kind of image you want to portray?

Money is important in life, but it’s more important to not be consumed by it. Remember that there’s more to life than just buying things. Go out and live.

will smith mediocrity ali quote“Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.”

Hey nothing wrong with being realistic. We’re only human.

But don’t ever let the idea of being realistic hold you back. Being realistic doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take risks. It shouldn’t scare you! Don’t be mediocre. Work hard for what you want, even if what you want seems crazy to others.

will smith happy“Money & success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.”

You’re totally special and entirely amazing the way you are. You have unique talents.

You have natural abilities. They all make up for the only [insert your name] that is in this world.

Too bad that a lot of people think money and a proven track record are needed to soar in life. You don’t. Give yourself a chance, and try, you can pretty much do anything.

will smith quote about life“Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings & emotions”.

Stop caring about what others think of you, especially from people you hardly even know!

Stop being so affected by the things they say or do to the point where your mind is clouded by them and your left with nothing but unhappy feelings inside.

Let these unimportant people go by your life. You don’t know them well, so don’t let them impact you in ways you don’t want.

will smith i am legend“You can cry, ain’t no shame in it. “

If you’re sad, express it. We’ve created ideas around crying today such that people repress themselves, which isn’t healthy.

Crying is a very natural thing for all of us. Don’t be ashamed about it just because you’re human.

will smith school fresh prince“The things that have been most valuable to me I did not learn in school. “

Getting an education may be important, but that’s not all to life.

You can learn a huge load outside of school, not by a teacher. And you don’t need to be validated by grades. Grades don’t judge your degree of competence.

Go out and experience life. Your very own experience is a great teacher on its own and the lessons you learn will stick with you for life.

will smith Inspiration“The first step is you have to say that you can. “

It’s all about attitude.

Whatever goal you want to reach, whatever you want to do in life, your success originates from your attitude.

And it’s got to be a good one. Believe that you can, and you’ll never know what you can achieve in life.

And my all time favourite quote…

will smith workout gym“The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is that I’m not afraid to DIE on a treadmill. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, but if we get on a treadmill together, there are two things:

1- You’re getting off first


2- I’m gonna DIE

It’s really that simple”

Pure determination, pure confidence.

Nothing more, nothing less. Look at Will Smith today.

Work hard, and you’ll definitely get what you want in life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Rape Survivor Manifesto

After reading other feminist manifestos, I wrote this one for me:

Because I am a survivor, not a victim.

Because rape affects all women, regardless of ability, age, sexual orientation, religion, culture or race.

Because the media portrays women as sex objects.

Because date rape drugs exist.

Because a rapist isn’t always a stranger.

Because we are silenced by our friends and family.  

Because no one wants to talk about it. 

Because we can’t all be like Lorena Bobbitt.

Because our bodies belong to us and it is our right to choose who can touch us.

Because no means no, in every country.

Because we are tired of being victimized by the police, hospitals and the justice system.

Because the law doesn’t protect us.

Because what we wear, what we drink and where we were at whatever time of night , has absolutely no bearing on why we were raped.  It is the presence of a rapist that creates a rape.

Because women have been raped in their homes, in broad daylight, by men they know; for all these reasons and more, we must speak out, we must change the law and we must fight back!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Small business seek out Facebook Ads

Rape of minors rising in India

Rape in India

709 of 1,992 rape cases registered in 2014 involved minors.

Crime statistics for 2014 released by the State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB) say the number of rape cases involving minors has been on the rise in the State since 2008.

Last year, the police registered 1,992 rape cases. Out of this, 709 cases involved the rape of minors. It was 215 in 2008, 235 in 2009, 208 in 2018, 423 in 2011, 455 in 2012, and 637 in 2013.

As many as 16 cases were registered under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act last year and this offence was also on the rise, as per the figures published.
No district-wise statistics on rape cases involving minors were available. The figures said Thiruvananthapuram district topped in the number of rape cases, 176, and Kollam followed with 152 cases. Among the five Corporations, Kollam topped with 60 cases being registered in 2014. One rape case was registered by the Railway police.

Last year, 4,357 molestation cases were registered and in this category too Thiruvananthapuram district topped the list with 833 cases. As per the statistics, Thiruvananthapuram district topped the list of rape and molestation cases registered since 2010.

As many as 19 cases of dowry-related deaths were registered last year. On this count too Thiruvananthapuram district had been topping the list since 2011. As many as 4,810 cases of cruelty by husband or his relatives against women were registered last year. The number was above 4,800 since 2011. The police registered 145 and 116 cases respectively of kidnap of women and minors last year. Eve-teasing cases showed a drop over the years. Last year, 257 cases were registered.
Source : The

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Violence against indigenous women in Canada

Legal Strategy Coalition demands greater government commitment and accountability to ending violence against Indigenous women and girls.

An alarming study released today shows that governments in Canada have repeatedly ignored expert recommendations to stop violence against Indigenous women and girls.

Researchers with the Legal Strategy Coalition on Violence Against Indigenous Women reviewed 58 reports dealing with aspects of violence and discrimination against Indigenous women and girls, including government studies, reports by international human rights bodies, and published research of Indigenous women's organizations. The reports cover a period of two decades.

"How many Indigenous women and girls would have been found or would still be alive if governments had acted on more of these recommendations? " asked Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs.

"This is yet another piece of irrefutable evidence that governments in Canada have breached their fundamental moral and legal responsibility to ensure the safety of all women, without discrimination."

The reports examined in this study include 40 listed by Federal Justice Minister Peter MacKay as evidence of why a national public inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women is not needed.

"The federal government has gotten it all wrong," said Cheryl Maloney, President of the Nova Scotia Native Women's Association. "The fact that governments have been sitting on these reports, leaving important, life-saving recommendations unimplemented, is exactly why we need the intervention of an independent commission of inquiry."

Christa Big Canoe, the Legal Director of Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto said, "A properly established inquiry, backed by a clear commitment by government to act on its findings, would provide the kind of accountability to the public that we so sorely lack."

The coalition study found broad consensus among the reports that the root causes of the high levels of violence against Indigenous women and girls lie in a history of discrimination beginning with colonization and continuing through laws and policies such as the Indian Act and residential schools.

"This history laid the foundations for pervasive violence and created the risks Indigenous women face today," says Sharon McIvor of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action. "In this way, the reports directly refute the claim made by the federal government that this is a matter of individual crimes, not a 'social phenomenon'."

"Better policing and community safety measures are important, but they're not the whole picture," said Alex Neve, Amnesty International Canada.

"We need to address the root causes that put Indigenous women and girls in harm's way. Unfortunately, despite the analysis set out in all these reports, the federal government still maintains that historical facts and broad sociological patterns can be dismissed and ignored."
Aimée Craft (Mikinaak Ikwe), Indigenous law professor and lawyer, Treaty One, said, "In Winnipeg, our young indigenous women and girls are still disappearing and being victimized.

Since 1985, LEAF has assisted the courts in numerous cases with the interpretation and application of equality rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. LEAF's mandate has also driven its active involvement in matters of public policy and law, particularly with respect to issues involving human rights and discrimination. charitable donation today.

LEAF is a national, non-profit organization committed to confront all forms of discrimination through litigation, public education, and law reform to achieve equality for women and girls under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

West Coast LEAF is a separately incorporated registered charity affiliated to LEAF.

Canadian Leaders talk about violence against Indigenous women.