Friday, April 5, 2013

What's Ahead for Us...New Life on a New Earth

Please note that the information contained in this video is received from Spirit. It is not necessarily proven scientific fact. Remember when the accepted world view was that the Earth was flat!
The process of Earth axis shift is ongoing. It is not complete on 21 December 2012. It is a gradual process of evolutionary change, which marks a new beginning for the Earth as it has now moved into a fifth dimensional (faster pulsating) energy environment and domain. Earth’s axis shift affects the angle of torque or angle of Earth rotation. This alteration in Earth’s angle of rotation also affects the electromagnetic entrainment between Earth and the Galactic Center, the energy programming center for our Milky Way Galaxy. The energy emanating from the Galactic Center codes for a consciousness and physical upgrade for both the Earth and for all life forms on Earth. This is allowing for "New Life on a New Earth."
Judy Sartori

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