Monday, December 4, 2006

All You Need Is Love

Dr. Dean Ornish who is famous for his near vegetarian diet which has helped many open open their blocked arteries without drugs or surgery has found that loneliness is more toxic than a cheeseburger

“Love and intimacy are at the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well,” Ornish says.

“I am not aware of any other factor in medicine—not diet, not smoking, not exercise—that has a greater impact.”

How intense and sincere your relationship is seems to be the critical factor in deciding how healthy we are. It appears that the harmfulness of the cheeseburger you eat is lessened if you are a caring person who eats it in the company of someone you love.

Clinical studies have shown that isolation is harmful to your health. Here are some interesting results from those studies.

Unmarried heart patients were 3 times more likely to die within 5 years.
Heart patients who felt the least loved had 50% more arterial damage than those who felt the most loved.
Women who felt isolated were 3 ½ times as likely to die of breast, ovarian or uterine cancer over a 17-year period.

Dr.Ornish’s research corroborates what has been termed the ‘Roseta Effect’. Until 1965, the people who lived in the small town of Roseta, Pennsylvania, appeared impervious to heart disease. Residents in the nearby town of Bangor, smoked as much and ate similar food. The most striking difference between the two communities was Roseta’s highly bonded social life. Roseta was a community of mostly third-generation Italian immigrants,who had strong links to family and friends.
From Milton Drepaul
Sport Nutrition

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